Saturday, August 23, 2008

These Olympics need to end

Oh, I've enjoyed them. Too much obviously. But now I can't look away. I come home and turn on the Olympics and watch all night no matter what.

I'm getting a little sick of them but here I am on a Saturday afternoon watching boxing. I don't even like boxing unless it's Muhammad Ali. This is getting ridiculous. I watch everything. I watch diving. I don't care about diving. I watched less Olympics when I went to them in 1996. Don't get me wrong, it was fun being there. But there was so much other stuff going on besides the actual games.

Anyway this needs to end soon or I really will complete my final transformation into full-fledged couch potato.

Go Spain! I hate Kobe Bryant and I hate Coach K. They are perfect for each other. Two pompous egotistical jerks.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

King Blog for short!

In case you didn't realize.

Welcome to the Log!

This is just a test. I'm not sure I really want to do this. In any event, I doubt I'll spend much time on this, just a few lines every other day or so.
So I saw Batman on Saturday. Or The Dark Knight I should say. It was pretty amazing. I'd say it's the best Batman yet, and I loved the Tim Burton movies, especially the second one. I wasn't a huge fan of the Jack Nicholson Joker though, and Heath Ledger totally kills in the new one. It's a tragedy that we won't get to see him do another one. That was the only bad thing, because at the end, they totally left it that way. That he would come back, that they would never kill each other, Batman becuase of his code and the Joker because he just loved to fuck with him and it wouldn't be as fun with nobody that cool to fuck with.

Anyway, anyone who likes this stuff will no doubt see it or already has, so it doesn't need my endorsement clearly.

But I think anyone will like this film. It has so much more going on than your typical comic book movie. So don't be afraid of the length. It didn't even seem long to me while watching it, just when I looked at my watch after.

Oh, and speaking of a movie with more going on than your typical comic book film, one of the trailers was for The Watchmen movie, which is the king of such comic books, by my all time favorite comic book author, Alan Moore who also wrote V for Vendetta, From Hell, and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen among others. This is his masterpiece and it looks really cool. It's directed by the guy who directed 300 (which was based on a Frank Miller comic book, who happens to be my second favorite comic book author) and it looks sorta like that but even better in the triler. I am so psyched for this one. I've been waiting for this movie for years. I remember years ago, Terry Gilliam was attached to it at one time and I was totally pumped, but that fell through. Anyway, the trailer totally has the feel of the comic down. So I think they're really trying to stay faithful which is good, considering after how the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen move was so ruined, Moore said he would never attach his name to any movie ever made based on his comic books. That's why he has no credit for V for Vendetta even though that one was a pretty good adaptation I thought. I don't know if Moore agreed.

Anyway, be on the lookout for that one. Not a lot of big stars in it, which I also like. I guess the biggest ones are fellow UNC alum Billy Crudup and Kelly Leak from the Bad News Bears.